Ladies & Gentlemen, It’s All About The Right Knee Guys & Gals

Curt Anderson
8 min readMay 13, 2022

Have you heard the one about the “Right Knee Guy”?

Neither had I.

Well, please allow me to introduce you to the “Right Knee Guy”.

Now being located in New York State, the term “Guy” is interchangeable and gender neutral (Ex: “how you Guys doing?” “Hey Mom, are you guys coming over?”)

So to keep things PC and Kosher, moving forward I will refer to Right Knee Guy or Gals interchangeably.

Previously, I was unfamiliar with the “Right Knee Guy” until a dear friend, Max Krug, introduced me.

Hopefully, you will find this story as impactful as I did.

Here we go……..

Meet Max Krug

Serving as a business advisor with the New York Small Business Development Center, I had the privilege of meeting Max Krug, when he attended one of my LinkedIn workshops at a local college in 2014.

Conducting live workshops offered the incredible opportunity of meeting amazing individuals.

Especially since, with each and every attendee comes a fascinating entrepreneurial journey.

Hearing their stories certainly served as a thrill and blessing.

In addition, workshops also created exciting opportunities to invite one-on-one consulting sessions afterwards.

After this particular LinkedIn workshop, Max Krug scheduled an appointment to discuss his growing business.

At the appointment, we immediately hit it off.

Related Article: Applying The Theory of Constraints to Your eCommerce Strategy

Theory of Constraints

Having built a dynamic friendship with Max over the years, I now know he serves the market as a brilliant consultant.

In particular, Max has built a hugely successful career as an efficiency expert.

He specializes in the Theory of Constraints by Dr Goldratt who authored of the legendary business book, “The Goal”.

As founder and President of Future State Engineering, Max takes tremendous pride in solving massive problems for his clients (Click here to learn more about Max).

In particular, Max works with manufacturers.

His target areas of expertise include maximizing inventory turnover, production scheduling, and ultimately dramatically improving cash flow.

Throughput is the name of his game.

Max is a tangible results driven guy.

Through our sessions, while explaining his theories and practices, he taught me tricks of his trade on efficiency that I still use daily.

What an enormous blessing and gift to learn from dynamic clients such as Max.

The main reason Max wanted to meet in the first place was he needed direction with branding, customer engagement, and a sales pipeline. Focusing on a specific target market.

So prior to understanding Max’s talents and area of expertise, at our first session, I asked Max to describe his business.

For me, it is crucial to fully understand where each client has been, their current position as well as understanding where they are heading.

What is the goal as well as the vision? Understanding the dream behind the career and life’s work plays a critical role with helping each individual?

So, Max described his business.

He went into full detail on the Theory of Constraints and how he is a Dr. Goldratt disciple.

In addition, he specializes in the practice of operational excellence.

Then he dropped a bomb that was a game changer…

Related Article: Are You Familiar with “The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement”?

Meet the Right Knee Guy

I then asked what was the goal and vision for his company.

However, I frequently found many clients struggle with this exercise.

Having no direction seems to contribute to unmet goals and frustration for many entrepreneurs.

Well, this wasn’t the case for Max. He knew exactly where he was headed.

Max looks me dead in the eye and makes a statement that I will never forget and the exchange went like this:

Me: “So what is your ultimate goal? Where do you see yourself down the road? Dream a little and share your Big Audacious Goal.”

Max: “Well, I want to be the Right Knee Guy”…..and he just continues on describing his business goals for the future.

I sat there processing to myself, “What did he just say? Did he just say ‘Right Knee Guy’?”

So I put my hands in a T formation to call a timeout and said:

Me: “Wait a minute, what did you just say”? Did you just say, “Right Knee Guy”?

Max: “Yes, the Right Knee Guy”! ( looking at me as if I am the complete idiot which I usually am).

Me: “What on earth is the Right Knee Guy”?

Life Changer

Max offers this simple, yet life changing story:

“Yes, I am striving to be the Right Knee Guy. For example, if you seriously injured or hurt your right knee, who are you going to turn to? A general practitioner or your family doctor? Probably not.

Especially if you are an athlete or at the very least an active person. You most likely seek a high level expert or a specialist of the right knee.”

Being that Max is a great athlete, the lightbulb went off and I finally realized where he was heading.

He continues, “Well, if I hurt my right knee, I want to go to the right knee specialist. The right knee expert! You know, the world-renowned authority of repairing the right knee.”

“The person who is working on local professional athletes. The doctor who possesses not just the highest credentials but most importantly the reputation for successful results. I want the guy or gal who can fix my problem, in this case, repair my right knee as quickly, painlessly and successfully as possible.”

Max continues, “The person who is so specialized and laser-focused that if you injure any other part of your body, they explain that they “can’t help you”. Even if you hurt your left knee, they are NOT the person for the job.”

BUT….if you have a problem with your right knee? I’M YOUR GUY!

You see, I strive to deliver the most powerful results possible for my clients. My future vision and big dream is to earn the reputation and label as the “Right Knee Guy” in my field of Theory of Constraints and operational excellence.

“That is exactly my big audacious goal.

“I want to be world-renowned on executing the Theory of Constraints. Thus, my right knee guy analogy.”

“My goal is to be viewed as The Theory of Constraints Right Knee Guy.”

Related Article: The Definition of Entrepreneurtude: “Do Whatever It Takes”


This analogy was brilliant!

I was blown away by the simplicity of his analogy. KISS! Keep it super simple, right?

Max summed up his life goal with a single expression, “Become the Right Knee Guy” in his field.

The person who delivers the cure and solves your problem quickly and efficiently.

The expert who gets you back in the game and on the field as if the problem or injury never occurred.

It doesn’t matter what the ailment is, any person would love to have access to the world renowned expert in the niche to solve their problem.

When you become viewed as a trusted source, an authority or expert in your field, you put yourself in a powerful position.

You can place yourself in high demand, find healthy revenue opportunities, charge a premium or at least a respectable rate for your experience and expertise.

Solve a small problem and you can close a sale. Yet, solve lots of problems and you can build wealth.

Related Article: “I’M DIVERSIFIED!” No, Actually You’re Doing Five Things Horribly

Right Knee Guys & Gals

What’s funny, the “Right Knee Guy” story became a regular and consistent part of my schtick.

Especially when clients seemed to be drifting away from areas of their own expertise or randomly throwing ideas on the wall to see what sticks.

I shared this with dozens if not well over 100 clients. It also became part of my LinkedIn workshops.

The light bulbs that went off as well as “Aha” moments created were truly mind blowing.

This story and analogy just consistently hit a home run every time.

The clouds could clear and clarity would set in.

You could see the cartoon bubble appear, “Now I get it”.

One particular client, a young woman who launching a new business. A millennial with a contagious free spirit.

We would meet and have outstanding conversations. At one point, I had not heard from her for months until one day I received a text that she wanted to meet up.

During our meeting while catching up, I ask her how is business?

She declares, “well you know, I’m trying to become the Right Knee Gal.”

I asked, “I told you that story?”

She says, “Of course you did! I think about it EVERY DAY! My goal is to become the Right Knee Gal in my market”

I had another client who was a fitness trainer. He LOVED the “Right Knee” story.

Every time we would meet he would describe how he was striving every day to be viewed as the Right Knee guy in his specific field of fitness training.

Many years later, I needed professional photos of products for a project I was working on. This client popped up on LinkedIn and he was now promoting himself as an expert photographer.

I contacted him and we met up. He described how his life brought major changes.

He was now married with two young children and the fitness training gig just no longer fit well with family life and fatherhood so he transitioned into photography. When I asked how business was going, his response?

“Business is going great! I am now striving every day to the be “Right Knee Guy” of commercial photography.”

The Right Knee Guy = Definitive Purpose

In conclusion, Napoleon Hill in his legendary book, “Think and Grow Rich” called a concise goal the “Definitive Purpose”.

Others call it staying “Fiercely Focused”.

A specialized focus.

Targeting a targeted niche.

Niche til it Hurts SO GOOD.

Dedicating the time, energy, as well as all resources to know your product or service better than anyone else.

However, having a definitive purpose and striving for a specific goal offers the opportunity for dynamic results.

Spending hours upon hours (Malcolm Gladwell says it takes 10,000 hours) of research, learning, understanding a topic to attempt to become the expert or right knee guy.

Above all, be the BEST in your community, region, industry, or nationally.

What will it take for you to become THE Right Knee Guy or Gal in your field?

Wrapping It Up

Thanks for reading this post.

Hopefully, you found this helpful as well as resourceful for your business.

Finally, for additional articles, check out these helpful links below:



Curt Anderson

Passionately Manufacturing eCommerce Success. Stop by B2Btail — — Let’s connect on LinkedIn: